The philoptochos shop
All your church requirements
Currently items are only available from the shop, but we may extend the service to postal service in the future

The shop has a variety of prayer ropes and incense, incence burners, charcoal and holy oil. Special Saint Spyridon winter house socks, which are warm and comfortable are available in different colours and sizes.
We also sell copies of The Orthodox Study Bible, The Orthodox Church by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware (of blessed memory) among other various prayer books. There are a variety of crosses and prayer bracelets of different styles.

Our Sunday School teacher makes all our own icons of different saints, in different sizes and all of these are sanctified and blessed by the priest for 40 days before they are available

Candles are available from the pangari ( front desk ) area. You will find thin beeswax candles for offerings and also thicker white candles which you can buy. We ask for your donation to cover the cost of these.